Wood Species Traded



(Vatairea spp.)

General Characteristics of the Wood: Olive-brown heartwood, when freshly cut, becomes reddish brown with yellow-brown stripes.

Workability: moderately good behavior in the mechanical process, but has a tendency to lift fibers when planed.

Uses: civil construction, sheets, flooring, carpentry, sleepers and others.



CHARACTERISTICS: light yellowish-brown heartwood, different from the light brown sapwood. It has a pronounced fibrous appearance in the tangential figure, due to the prominence of the axial parenchyma, fibers and vascular lines, wavy grain, rough texture, without shine and without a characteristic odor.

SOME APPLICATIONS: easy to work, civil construction, furniture has a good finish and is very durable

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 13% humidity it has 785 kg/m3, green it has 1,210 kg/m3

DENSIDADE: madeira de densidade média, com 13% de umidade tem 785 kg/m 3, verde tem 1.210 kg/m3


(Dinizia excelsa)

General Characteristics of the Wood: Light reddish-brown heartwood, slightly distinct from the reddish-gray sapwood. Interlocking grain, medium texture, moderate shine and unpleasant odor.

Uses: Civil construction as rafters, beams, slats, parquet, floorboards, door and window frames, sleepers, posts, posts, props, lathing, for bodies, wagons and shipbuilding. The tree is majestic and extremely decorative, and can be used for landscaping squares and large gardens.


(Erisma Uncinatum)

General characteristics of the wood:
yellowish-brown heartwood, with pale characteristics when freshly cut.

Workability: moderately heavy, soft and easy to work, medium texture, low mechanical resistance.

Uses: The wood is used only locally for the manufacture of canoes, boxes, toys, etc.


(Thyrsodium schomburkianum)

General Characteristics of the Wood:
It is a vigorous tree that produces yellow and orange flowers and small, oval, yellowish, inedible fruits. It grows in the Amazon rainforest in northern Brazil. Catuaba has a long history of natural medicinal use as an aphrodisiac.

Workability: moderately good performance in the mechanical process, but has a tendency to lift fibers when planed.

Uses: civil construction, sheet metal, carpentry, sleepers and others.


(Erisma uncinatum Warm.)

General Characteristics of the Wood:
Light wood, light reddish-brown heartwood. Medium texture, no shine and imperceptible odor. Easy to plan, saw and sand. Generally used in Civil and Naval construction, furniture, frames, sheets, boxes, crates, and others.


(Cedrela Odorata)

CHARACTERISTICS: dark pink heartwood, light pink sapwood, bitter taste, aromatic odor, wavy grain, no shine or moderate shine.

SOME APPLICATIONS: furniture, plywood, frames, shipbuilding, window tracks, very easy to work with sandblasting, drill and plane.

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 13% moisture content it has 485 kg/m3, green it has 635 kg/m3


(Amburana Caerensis)

CHARACTERISTICS: aromatic odor and bitter taste, interlocking grain, medium texture, moderate shine, light yellowish-brown heartwood and sapwood.

SOME APPLICATIONS: furniture, chairs, decorative items, cabinets, doors and others.

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 13% moisture content it has 610 kg/m3, green it has 895 kg/m3


(Goupia glabra Aubi)

CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, heartwood color: light red; sapwood color: reddish-yellow; medium texture and reverse grain.

SOME APPLICATIONS: In external constructions such as structures, posts, fence posts, sleepers, crosspieces; in internal constructions such as beams, rafters, slats, floorboards and planks, door and window frames or jambs; solid wood furniture, turned parts, car bodies, etc.

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 12% moisture content it has 800 kg/m3 and green it has 1,130 kg/m3


(Eucalyptus Gradis)

CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, light reddish brown color, fine texture and straight grain.

SOME APPLICATIONS: flooring material, civil construction, general purpose furniture, laminates and plywood, packaging and pallets. Eucalyptus is a wood that is easy to plan, drill, turn and sand. Good wood for sawing.

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 15% moisture content it has 710 kg/m3


(Parkia pendula)

FAMILY: Mimosaceae

WOOD: Moderately heavy (density 0.88 g/cm3), soft, easy to work, durable when used indoors.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Light brown to brown heartwood, distinct from pale yellow sapwood. Growth rings not very distinct, straight to interlocked grain, medium to coarse texture, moderate luster and moderately imperceptible odor.

USES: Civil construction, boats, furniture, decorative household items, toys, utilitarian household items, plywood and others.


(Apuleia Ieiocarpa (Vog.) Macbr. Caesalpiniaceae)

CHARACTERISTICS: The sapwood is beige, distinct from the heartwood; the color tends to darken over time, making the wood brown. Irregular grain, smooth to the touch.

SOME APPLICATIONS: Civil construction, external structures, posts, sleepers, stakes, fence posts, car bodies, beams, rafters, slats, floorboards and planks, door and window frames, beer barrels, tool handles, shipbuilding, keels.

DENSITY: Moderately heavy (density 0.83 g/cm3), hard, easy to work, long-lasting.



CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, yellow sapwood, dark olive-green heartwood, sometimes dark brown, interlocking grain, medium texture.

SOME APPLICATIONS: material for flooring, civil construction, door frames and frames, highly resistant, excellent for drilling with a drill or sandblasting.

DENSITY: highly dense wood, with 13% moisture content it has 1,103 kg/m3, green it has 1,315 kg/m3.


(Hymenaea Courbaril)

CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, dark brown heartwood, light brown sapwood, interlocking grain, medium texture.

SOME APPLICATIONS: flooring material, civil construction, door frames and frames, highly resistant, beams, chips, cross sections, very good finish, sporting goods, musical instruments.

DENSITY: highly dense wood, with 13% moisture content it has 921 kg/m3, green it has 1,275 kg/m3


(Nectrandra Rubra)

CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, light yellowish-brown sapwood and heartwood, interlocking grain, medium texture.

SOME APPLICATIONS: furniture, civil construction, door frames and frames, highly resistant

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 13% moisture content it has 690 kg/m3, green it has 1,100 kg/m3


MARUPÁ (Simarouba Amara)

CHARACTERISTICS: heartwood and sapwood are indistinctly straw-colored, smooth grain, medium texture, moderate shine.

SOME APPLICATIONS: easy to work with, glues well, can be used in furniture, musical instruments, is very good for frames.

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 13% moisture content it has 445 kg/m3, green it has 1,155 kg/m3


(Manilkara Elata)

CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, dark brown heartwood, light yellowish brown sapwood, smooth grain, moderate shine, fine texture.

SOME APPLICATIONS: civil construction, flooring material and others, very resistant.

DENSITY: highly dense wood, with 13% moisture content it has 1,010 kg/m3, green it has 1,320 kg/m3


(Astronium lecointei Ducke)

CHARACTERISTICS: dark red bands, wavy or slightly interlocking grain, moderate shine, characteristic taste and odor.

SOME APPLICATIONS: indoor and outdoor construction, very durable, easy to sandblast, drill, plan, saw, glue, veneer, gives a very glossy surface.

DENSITY: dense wood, with 13% moisture content it has 945 kg/m3, green it has 1,225 kg/m3



(Caryocar villosum)

General Characteristics of the Wood:
Occurs throughout the Amazon in dry land forests. Also in part of the Northeast Region.

Heavy, grayish heartwood; coarse texture. Well used in external constructions, linings, posts, stakes, beams, rafters, floorboards, keels, wine barrels, beer.


(Eliottis Pine)

CHARACTERISTICS: Pale yellow wood, fine texture and straight grain, with a resinous taste and smell.

SOME APPLICATIONS: frames, furniture, cables, toys, light internal civil construction and window frames, laminates and plywood, packaging and pallets, and also in the manufacture of coils and spools.

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 15% humidity, has 480 kg/m3.

ROXINHO (Purple Heart)

(Peltogyne spp.)

CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, heartwood color: dark brown to violet-purple; sapwood color: light yellow to very pale brown; fine texture, irregular grain.

SOME APPLICATIONS: heavy internal and external civil construction, in high-quality furniture, domestic flooring, transportation, boats, decorative veneers and plywood, tool and utensil handles, cutlery, sports and toy articles, decoration and adornment, and in the textile industry.

DENSITY: high-density wood, with 12% moisture content, has 1,000 kg/m3 and green has 1,300 kg/m3


CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, dark brown heartwood, yellowish-gray sapwood, interlocking grain.

SOME APPLICATIONS: flooring material, civil construction, door frames and frames, highly resistant, beams, chips, cross-sections.

DENSITY: highly dense wood, with 13% moisture content it has 1,101 kg/m3, green it has 1,310 kg/m3


(Bagassa guianensis Aubi)

CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, yellow after cutting, sometimes with darker stripes; when exposed to light it becomes burnt brown. Narrow sapwood, clearly differentiated from the heartwood. Regular to interlocking grain, medium texture; high gloss on longitudinal surfaces

SOME APPLICATIONS: In internal parts of buildings (frames, window frames, skirting boards), in external constructions such as structures, posts, fence posts, sleepers, crosspieces, common furniture, parquet and wainscoting.

DENSITY: medium density wood, with 15% moisture content it has 750 kg/m3


(Couratari Guianensis)

CHARACTERISTICS: no characteristic odor or taste, heartwood and sapwood are straw-white, slightly pinkish, medium texture, straight grain, slightly glossy surface and smooth to the touch.

SOME APPLICATIONS: can be indicated for obtaining unrolled veneers, civil construction, plywood sheets, general-purpose furniture, linings, panels, door frames and frames, broom handles, etc.

DENSITY: medium-density wood, with 12% moisture content it has 610 kg/m3, green it has 1,100 kg/m3


(Tectona Grandis)

CHARACTERISTICS: The sapwood is narrow and light, very distinct from the heartwood, which is a bright, bright brown. This unique beauty makes Teak a highly sought-after wood for luxurious interior decoration and fine furniture.

SOME APPLICATIONS: it is used in the production of quality furniture, frames and flooring, decoration and shipbuilding

DENSITY: with an average density of 0.65 g/cm3, it is a light but resistant wood.

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